Have you been through a lot of challenges in life and not really sure how to get back on track?
I can help you uncover Exactly where you are right now and support you with a heart-centered approach in designing a game plan to get you moving toward your desired direction.
“Spaulding was inspirational and instrumental in helping me through the darkness… She basically helped me silence the noise and focus on what mattered most; without her I would be in ruins”
— Rory Ffrench
Are you ready to…
Connect to you personal power?
Gain clarity on your life’s purpose?
If your Soul is saying yes and you are ready to show up to your life then you are prepared to choose.
I invite you to step back into the driver’s seat!
I offer several levels of one-to one and group mentorship for individuals who know that creating a life of happiness, joy, and contentment starts with releasing the limiting beliefs of who you thought you were and creating energy around clarifying who you are.
The journey of a lifetime is always initiated by you. The first step in your exploration is to apply for a complimentary 45-minute Discovery Session with ER Spaulding.
“I am a busy health professional with an enormous vision for life, but I often get stuck… In one session, we discussed my vision and she was able to get me to see it clearer. I thought I had it set. Her techniques forced me to dig deeper. Within an hour I was blown away, inspired, and motivated to go to the next level”
— Dr. John Artis
In your Discovery Session, you will meet by phone or virtually with Spaulding to discuss where you are versus where you want to be in all major areas in your life. You will take a look at some of the roadblocks standing in your way.
During our time together we will dive into the life you see for yourself and why it is important to you.
This is NOT a free mentoring session, but an energizing opportunity for you to look at your life and determine what is not working for you and a chance to uncover why.
After our powerful session you will receive
- A recording of the call
- Follow up email with high-level discovery points
- Recommended tips and strategies to help generate the change you wish to see
“Change is not a privilege of living, but to live your best life you have the right to change”
— ER Spaulding
Please only apply if you are serious about charting the trajectory of your life. If your application is approved, you will be contacted within three business days to schedule your Discovery Session. I look forward to speaking with you!